New Era

2 min readJan 1, 2023


Photo by Andreas Dress on Unsplash

With the year coming to an end and another new era close by, I’m pretty sure there are two types of people out there: those who set targets or goals and have almost achieved or achieved most of those goals and those who set goals as well but weren’t able to achieve much.

What this year has taught me on a personal level is to stay calm and take things one step at a time. I know I have goals and targets that I set for myself earlier this year; some came to fulfillment while others didn’t, but who am I to say that I haven’t accomplished much or done enough this year? NO! I won’t say that. In fact, I’ve achieved a lot this year, even though not all my plans came to pass. I’ve come to realize that celebrating our little wins, keeps pushing us to do more and shows how far we can go if we can just put in a little more effort than before. Did I say effort alone? Actually, it’s effort and more planning on how to achieve this goal, and we’ll get better results.

I just want to encourage us that we’ve done our best this year, and in fact, I’m congratulating us as champions for even making it through this year in this time of great hardship in the country.

A new era has arrived for us to continue our excellent work from last year and even put in a little more pace and determination, and I’m confident we’ll get twice the results we did in 2022.




A freelance content and creative writer | Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.